L5 UX/UI interactive designer

Presenting a series of proactive digital ad campaigns that I designed for IMDb’s advertising partners.

22 — 23

iPhone 13 Pro premium ad unit featured on IMDb homepage.

Worked closely with the sales team and execs assigned to Apple to design a premium ad to reengage idle advertiser and create opportunities with additional bespoke offerings.

This is a collapsable unit with a video intro that resolves into a branded feature product carousel.

Timeline: 1 week to design

MacBook Pro premium ad unit featured on IMDb homepage.

Worked closely with the sales team and execs assigned to Apple to design a premium ad to reengage idle advertiser and create opportunities with additional bespoke offerings.

This is a collapsable unit with a video intro that resolves into a branded feature product carousel.

Timeline: 1 week to design

Worked closely with the sales team and execs assigned to BOSE to design a premium ad to reengage idle advertiser and create opportunities with additional bespoke offerings.

This is a collapsable unit with video intro and product carousel.

Timeline: 1 week to design

Custom ad unit with product carousel for BOSE.

Leveraging the award winning gamified ad unit built by Eric Fonseca and Wilson Saloj for USAA Top Gun. Leaning into frugality to quickly engage idle advertiser - I reinterpreted the UX and UI for Draft Kings’s Football Campaign.

Timeline: 1.5 weeks

Gamified Premium Ad for Draft Kings.

Custom product carousel for M&S Foods.

Worked closely with the sales team and execs assigned to M&S to design a premium ad to reengage idle advertiser and create opportunities with additional bespoke offerings.

Timeline: 1 Week

Custom product
carousel for Capital One.

Worked closely with the sales team and execs assigned to Capital One to design a premium ad to reengage idle advertiser and create opportunities with additional bespoke offerings.

Timeline: 1.5 weeks to design

Worked closely with the sales team and execs assigned to Red Bull to design a gamified ad meant to reengage idle advertiser and create opportunities with additional bespoke offerings.

Timeline: 1,5 Week

Designed a custom gamified premium ad for Red Bull.

Designed a custom product carousel for LOVESAC.

Worked closely with the sales team and execs assigned to LOVESAC to design a premium ad to reengage idle advertiser and create opportunities with additional bespoke offerings.

Timeline: 1.5 weeks to design

Custom holiday product carousel for Old Navy.

Worked closely with the sales team and execs assigned to Old Navy o design a premium ad to reengage idle advertiser and create opportunities with additional bespoke offerings.

Timeline: 2 weeks to design

Designed a custom Ad carousel for Sherwin Williams.

Worked closely with the sales team and execs assigned to Sherwin Williams to design a premium ad to reengage idle advertiser and create opportunities with additional bespoke offerings.

Timeline: 1 week to design



Mike Orduna - Art Direction + UX / UI Design
Wilson Saloj - Creative Direction
Eric Fonseca - Senior Dev
Riel Phillips - Manager of Creative
Aaron Wilson - Manager of Dev


IMDb Creative Studio / Amazon

Survivor Soul Vol: 1-3